Celebs Who Don’t Shower Daily

Some celebrities are actually rather candid when it comes to discussing their daily rituals. Some have admitted to skipping out on taking showers for days on end, while others were put on blast by their close friends, co-stars, and anonymous sources.

Brad Pitt’s Inglourious Basterds co-star, Eli Roth, told People that the superstar dad offered up some interesting advice on how to keep clean while filming. Pitt said to Roth that when you’re sweaty and don’t have time to take a shower, just take a baby wipe and rub it under your armpits.

Pitt reportedly told Roth…

“I got six kids. All you’ve got to do is just take…a couple quick wipes under the pits…Man, I’m getting [peed] on all day. I don’t have time to take a shower.”

Roth was sold, and he eventually took Pitt’s advice and began using baby wipes to keep his armpits smelling fresh on those days when he might be clearing up everyone else’s sinuses.

We understand Pitt may be running short on time, but hygiene is important, and how hard is it to squeeze in a quick wash up? All you need is a little soap and water, and you’ll be good to go.

Watch the video for more Celebs Who Don’t Shower Daily!

#BradPit #RobertPattinson #JohnnyDepp

Brad Pitt | 0:16
Shia LaBeouf | 1:13
Charlize Theron | 2:00
Robert Pattinson | 2:57
Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis | 4:10


  1. I shower every other day, because if I do any more than that my eczema gets really bad and my skin will crack and break. Also, showering every day is bad for your hair and especially bad for the environment, what with the amount of clean water consumed, and the amount of chemicals poured down the drain.
    Anyway, these celebs are so gross, and what's worse are the people who will date someone who "doesn't wash their hair for SIX WEEKS" or someone who doesn't shower and just "wipes their armpits with baby wipes". I would hate to work in the costuming department around some of these people, putting clothing – sometimes custom-made – on people who reek. I wouldn't fuck someone who doesn't shower; if your undercarriage isn't clean, I'm not going near it. Personal hygiene is so important.

  2. Technically speaking your Dermatologist recommends not to shower daily… idk about y'all but I need to shower daily

  3. Sounds like a stinky problem to me I shower everyday sometimes twice a day and then maybe once a week I don't think so

  4. your views on daily showers are incredibly ignorant. Most people around the world do not shower daily and still stay clean. Stop being just another ignorant american

  5. My mother used to say there was no shame in getting dirty. The shame comes from staying dirty. I agree with her.

  6. Showering daily isn’t necessary especially for people with dry skin. Americans can be a bit obsessed with cleaning themselves- we need to focus more on what we put in our mouths!

  7. Has no-one aka Brad Pitt heard of Deodorant????? Baby wipes – ughhhh. Talk about making more problems for the environment. Just like disposable nappies/diapers baby wipes take years to degrade. Shame on you Brad Pitt & Leo Di Caprio (So much for wanting to protect the environment. just take a 2/3 min shower with soap your not doing your skin any favours by not allowing your pores to breath.) Not washing your hair???? that is disgusting. they obviously never learned about hygiene either at home growing up or at school. These celebrities are just DIRTY/DISGUSTING people. Interesting as Robert Pattinson is now Batman he will reek even worse after wearing the Batsuit for hours on end.

  8. What happens if you don’t shower for two days or a week but put on deodorant and underwear does that mean you smell are you hiding your odd

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